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Nominated name: Cooper's Hawk LANE

Nominated by: Nadine Feldman

Suggested Location: City Lane Number: #702
Described Location: Bound by: Vermont, Palmerston Ave., Dupont and Bathurst. Runs: E-W between Patrick McGregor Lane and Col. David Shank Lane..

At Col David Shank Lane looking east

Rationale and References:

None of the proposed names duplicate a Toronto street. While the nesting of the Cooper's Hawks in Vermont Square Park were first noticed in 2012, there have been regular sightings over the years.

Nadine Feldman's comment (2014) : "(I). thought of the hawks since the hawk and 5 hawklets were flying right over our deck and around the area of the laneway a lot this spring.

Early one morning, I watched with amazement as the hawk female (I assume) taught them the finer points of flying and hunting. They flew in a group with her leading and each hawklet one by one flew close to her and touched her wing in mid-air while she modeled form and beauty for them. The sounds they made were enthralling."